
Department of Justice

The mission of the Department of Justice (DOJ) is to pursue activities and programs that seek to ensure and promote the public interest, safety, and well-being through leadership, advocacy, education, regulation and enforcement. The Mission of the Department of Justice Information Technology Division is to equip the Montana Department of Justice and our public safety partners with essential criminal justice information required to provide services and protect citizens requesting our assistance.


Agency Goals and Objectives

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 3 - Cyber-security Enhancements and Strategy (Protect Smart)


  • Stay informed of and comply with Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services Nationwide Security Policy.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3 - Cyber-security Enhancements and Strategy (Protect Smart)
  • Increase the current security team’s mastery of cyber-security knowledge.

    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3 - Cyber-security Enhancements and Strategy (Protect Smart)
  • Continually identify and remedy any infrastructure vulnerabilities or exposures.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3 - Cyber-security Enhancements and Strategy (Protect Smart)
  • Practice effective cyber triage and respond to cyber-security threats in a timely manner.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3 - Cyber-security Enhancements and Strategy (Protect Smart)
  • Recover from cyber-security events in a timely manner.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3 - Cyber-security Enhancements and Strategy (Protect Smart)

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 2 - Optimization of shared services and support (Collaborate Smart)


  • Automate services wherever possible.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 2 - Optimization of shared services and support (Collaborate Smart)
  • Holistically determine what services the Department of Justice can share.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 2 - Optimization of shared services and support (Collaborate Smart)

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 1 - Fiscal Responsibility (Spend Smart)


  • Work through the DOJ Project Management Office to engage Divisions in IT costs and fiscal decisions.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 1 - Fiscal Responsibility (Spend Smart)
  • Oversee all DOJ IT investments to ensure budgets are maintained, on time, and reported accurately when required.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 1 - Fiscal Responsibility (Spend Smart)
  • Manage DOJ IT budget objectives to improve efficiency, optimize cost, and maintain accountability.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 1 - Fiscal Responsibility (Spend Smart)
  • Work with all DOJ Divisions to guide effective IT decisions that optimize Division budget decisions.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 1 - Fiscal Responsibility (Spend Smart)

  • State Strategic Plan Objective Reference:

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 5 - Service First (Business Smart)


  • Internally promote and practice establishing positive relationships in all communications regarding systems, services, and collaborative IT efforts.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 - Service First (Business Smart)
  • Focus daily on professional customer service.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 - Service First (Business Smart)
  • Mitigate silos of communication that cause confusion.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 - Service First (Business Smart)
  • Deliver a consistent, professional, and courteous customer service message.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 - Service First (Business Smart)

Information Technology Resources and Capabilities

Number of FTE: 21

The SSB is responsible for oversight of all hardware including servers, workstations (desktop, laptop, notebooks, smartphones, etc.), peripherals, networking, infrastructure, and the DOJ IT Service Desk.

Number of FTE: 18

The ASB is responsible for oversight of all software applications. ASB performs software engineering, development, management of internal and commercial software, as well as all system interfaces from a software perspective.

Number of FTE: 4

The ISO is responsible for all information security reviews, enforcement of security polices, review of security posture, and monitoring of all DOJ systems.

Number of FTE: 4

The PMO is responsible for implementing project management methodologies to ensure DOJ IT projects align with DOJ and State strategic goals; and deliver what the customer needs as planned, within scope, and on budget.

Number of FTE: 3

The administrative staff are responsible for leadership and management of the Division Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives as well as all IT financial matters and procurement processes.


Division Motor Vehicle Division (MVD)
Project / Program Purpose and Objectives DM is the Drivers piece of the Montana Enhanced Registration and Licensing Information Network (MERLIN) system and unifies vehicle & driver customer accounting. When DM (the final phase of MERLIN) completes, driver information and records move from the DOA mainframe to MERLIN database and all driver, vehicle registration, dealer licensing, and accounting transactions will reside in MERLIN. The MERLIN system includes electronic commerce applications through the state Egov portal using Montana Interactive. Montana has more than 1.75 million titled vehicles and MERLIN supports the yearly task of providing titles for 470,000 vehicles, registration of over 1 million vehicles and licenses and ID cards for approximately 200,000 individuals per year.
State Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Reference Goal 2 - Optimization of shared services and support (Collaborate Smart) Objectives 1 thru 5
Estimated Start 3/31/2012 Estimated Delivery 11/23/2020
Estimated Cost 17,683,320 Comment
HB 10 Request No Funding Sources General Fund: 1,079,104 - Comment: State Special Revenue: 10,946,326 - Comment: Capital Projects Fund authorized MCA 17-5-2001 2(a): 5,657,890 - Comment:
Annual Costs Upon Completion 3,540,370 Comment
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. Project 90% complete Total Expended $15,686,811

Division Division of Criminal Investigation
Project / Program Purpose and Objectives The primary purpose of FEDEX is to maintain a complete and accurate criminal history record in conjunction with the deployment of the FullCourt Enterprise system by the Office of Court Administrator. The two systems share information regarding court actions with state and local law enforcement and maintain the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of criminal history records. Objectives: Replace two existing batch court data exchanges with real time web services to file dispositions with the Computerized Criminal History System. Construct new exchanges for protection orders, arrest/bench warrants, and no contact orders. As courts transition to FullCourt Enterprise include data exchanges at go-live.
State Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Reference Goal 2 - Optimization of shared services and support (Collaborate Smart); Objectives 1 thru 5
Estimated Start 6/1/2020 Estimated Delivery 4/1/2021
Estimated Cost Comment
HB 10 Request Yes Funding Sources HB10: 340,000 - Comment:
Annual Costs Upon Completion Comment TBD
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. Project is 1% complete. Project on-hold due to unavailability of MT Office of Court Administrator (OCA) staff who are involved in deployment of their Full Court Enterprise solution to State/City courts. Total Expended: $15,774

Division Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI)
Project / Program Purpose and Objectives The Computerized Criminal History upgrade is a multi-year, multi-phase project that will improve the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of criminal justice information. Key highlights: (1) Add enhancements to the CCH, (2) Create an online web portal to expand Montana criminal justice partners' access to criminal record information, (3) Build a new Sexual and Violent Offender Registry (SVOR)
State Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Reference Goal 2 - Optimization of Shared Services and support (Collaborate Smart); Objectives 1 thru 5
Estimated Start 1/1/2018 Estimated Delivery 3/31/2020
Estimated Cost 2,995,662 Comment
HB 10 Request No Funding Sources NCHIP Grant: 2,021,096 - Comment: DOJ DCI CRISS criminal background check special revenue: 750,000 - Comment: State Match: 224,566 - Comment:
Annual Costs Upon Completion Comment TBD
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. Project 100% complete Total Expended $2,995,662

Division Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI)
Project / Program Purpose and Objectives The existing CJIN Switch & Client contract has been in place for 10 years. DCI is purchasing Datamaxx's Cloud Solution for the new CJIN switch and workstation client. High level objectives for this statement of work are: (1) Deploy and confirm connectivity of the Omnixx Enterprise Platform within the Datamaxx Secure Cloud, (2) Deploy the new Omnixx Force client, (3) Connect to National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and The International Justice and Public Safety Network (Nlets), (4) Configure MT DOJ Disaster Recovery, and (5) Decommission the existing CJIN environment.
State Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Reference Goal 2 - Optimization of shared services and support; Objectives 1, 2, 3, & 5
Estimated Start 5/1/2020 Estimated Delivery 9/30/2020
Estimated Cost 578,957 Comment
HB 10 Request No Funding Sources DOJ DCI CRISS criminal background check special revenue: 578,957 - Comment:
Annual Costs Upon Completion 479,339 Comment
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. Project slated to start May 1, 2020 Total Expended $0

Summary of Hardware

I have reviewed all of my agency's systems in Assurance CM and certify that it is accurate: Yes

Total Number of Appliances 189
Total Number of Physical Servers 86
Total Number of Virtualized Servers 307
Total Usable Storage Space 780 TB
Device Type Quantity Estimated Replacement Value Comments
Desktops 499 641
Laptops 579 1,780
MHP Ruggedized Laptops 312 5,280
Tablets 22 1345
Smartphones 285 99
Flip Phones 129 10
In-Car Routers (CradlePoint) 6 2,304
Printers 372 499

Agency Contact Information

Agency Director / Administrator
Attorney General Tim Fox
215 N Sanders, Third Floor PO Box 201401 Helena, MT 59620-1401
IT Contact (CIO / IT Manager)
Butch Huseby, CIO
302 N. Roberts, 5th Floor, Scott Hart Bldg PO Box 201405 Helena, MT 59620-1405
Information Security Manager
Dawn Temple, ISO
302 N. Roberts, 5th Floor, Scott Hart Bldg PO Box 201405 Helena, MT 59620-1405