
Office of Public Instruction

Putting Montana Students First


Agency Goals and Objectives

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
(Enterprise Smart)


  • Redeploy GEMS on modern platform
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
  • Renegotiate statewide SIS contract to include more functionality
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
  • Implement a statewide analytics solution
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
  • Implement multi-state standard data warehouse structure for reporting
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
    (Enterprise Smart)
  • Implement v1 data reporting api
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
    (Enterprise Smart)

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 2 – Optimization of shared services
and support (Collaborate Smart)
Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
(Enterprise Smart)


  • Migrate and fully commit agency to an enterprise platform (Google and/or O365)
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 2 – Optimization of shared services
    and support (Collaborate Smart)
    Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
    (Enterprise Smart)
  • Migrate to state hosted gitlab instance for ci/cd purposes
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 2 – Optimization of shared services
    and support (Collaborate Smart)
    Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
    (Enterprise Smart)

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)
Objective Four: Retain, Recruit, and Train


  • Migrate all job profiles to pay plan 25
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)
    Objective Four: Retain, Recruit, and Train
  • Provide training and professional development to all Data & Technology staff pertinent to their professions and crafts.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)
    Objective Four: Retain, Recruit, and Train
  • Finalize transition to Data & Technology org structure from former separate IT and Measurement & Accountability Divisions.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)
    Objective Four: Retain, Recruit, and Train

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)


  • Migrate OPI website to new platform
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)
  • Deploy new collaboration platform to facilitate more remote interaction with customers
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
    (Enterprise Smart)
  • Continue to improve the communication and awareness of data collection and reporting cycles (recurring events), the associated deadlines and calendars and instructional materials.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)
  • Regular contributions to OPI Monthly Summary by the Data & Technology Division
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)
  • Further support and strengthen the OPI Digital Communications Team and products (films and videos and instructional technology deployments)
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 5 – Service First (Business Smart)
    Goal 4– Unified Digital Government
    (Enterprise Smart)

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 3– Cybersecurity Enhancements
and Strategy (Protect Smart)


  • Provide annual student record confidentiality and cybersecurity training for OPI staff
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3– Cybersecurity Enhancements
    and Strategy (Protect Smart)
  • Continue the development and improvement of the OPI's Data Governance program to become the institutional memory and decision-making body of the OPI in regards to data.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3– Cybersecurity Enhancements
    and Strategy (Protect Smart)
  • Continue progress on ISSP
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3– Cybersecurity Enhancements
    and Strategy (Protect Smart)
  • Reduce the number of disparate logins and continue to move towards a single SSO
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3– Cybersecurity Enhancements
    and Strategy (Protect Smart)
  • Provide state-level support and resources to help schools and districts secure their data and system and support data privacy and security measures.
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3– Cybersecurity Enhancements
    and Strategy (Protect Smart)

Information Technology Resources and Capabilities

Number of FTE: 34

Provide technology and data management services and support to the OPI and Montana schools..


Division Health Enhancement
Project / Program Purpose and Objectives School Nutrition Programs IT systems and process modernization, integration, streamlining
State Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Reference Goal 2/Objective One: Automate
Estimated Start 7/15/2019 Estimated Delivery 6/30/2023
Estimated Cost 1,549,279 Comment
HB 10 Request No Funding Sources USDA FNS ART Grant: 1,549,279 - Comment:
Annual Costs Upon Completion Comment Variable, fund is budgeted to be exhausted by end of grant term June 30, 2022
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. Status of the project as of March 31, 2020: Executing % completed: 5% Funds expended: $35,152

Division Health Enhancement
Project / Program Purpose and Objectives School Nutrition Programs IT systems and process modernization, integration, streamlining
State Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Reference Goal 2/Objective One: Automate
Estimated Start 9/30/2017 Estimated Delivery 9/30/2020
Estimated Cost 1,537,470 Comment
HB 10 Request No Funding Sources USDA FNS CNTI Grant : 1,537,470 - Comment:
Annual Costs Upon Completion Comment Variable, fund is budgeted to be exhausted by end of grant term September 30, 2020
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended. Status of the project as of March 31, 2020: Executing % completed: 90% Funds expended: $991,141

Summary of Hardware

I have reviewed all of my agency's systems in Assurance CM and certify that it is accurate: Yes

Total Number of Appliances 6
Total Number of Physical Servers 0
Total Number of Virtualized Servers 0
Total Usable Storage Space 0 GB
Device Type Quantity Estimated Replacement Value Comments
Desktops 189 151,200
Laptops 175 157,500
Printers 34 35,000

Agency Contact Information

Agency Director / Administrator
Elsie Arntzen, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
P.O. Box 202501, Helena, MT 59620-2501
IT Contact (CIO / IT Manager)
Michael Sweeney
P.O. Box 202501, Helena, MT 59620-2501
Information Security Manager
Alan Grover
P.O. Box 202501, Helena, MT 59620-2501