
Teacher's Retirement System

To develop and maintain scalable, sustainable technology solutions to support the Teachers’ Retirement System mission.


Agency Goals and Objectives

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 4


  • Add functionality to TRS pension management software system (M-Trust) to automate manual processes
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4, Objective One
  • Migrate TRS legacy report archival/management software system to a modern platform
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4, Objective One

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 1


  • Migrate M-Trust back-end database from Oracle to Microsoft SQL for cost savings
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 1, Objective One

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 2


  • Develop online member services to replace legacy paper processes
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 2, Objective One

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 3


  • Follow SITSD’s lead in following NIST cybersecurity standards and utilize all available resources to monitor and protect TRS systems and data
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 3, Objective Two

State Strategic Plan Goal Reference: Goal 4


  • Invest in hardware to provide dual functionality for both on site and remote computing
    State Strategic Plan Objective Reference: Goal 4, Objective One

Information Technology Resources and Capabilities

Number of FTE: 4

Information systems management


Project / Program Purpose and Objectives
State Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Reference
Estimated Start Estimated Delivery
Estimated Cost Comment
HB 10 Request Funding Sources : - Comment:
Annual Costs Upon Completion Comment
Status of the project as of March 31, even numbered years. Indicate % completed and status of funds expended.

Summary of Hardware

I have reviewed all of my agency's systems in Assurance CM and certify that it is accurate: Yes

Total Number of Appliances 0
Total Number of Physical Servers 0
Total Number of Virtualized Servers 0
Total Usable Storage Space 0 GB
Device Type Quantity Estimated Replacement Value Comments
desktop 30 500 /each
laptop 9 900 /each
printer 9 500 /each
scanner 2 5000 /each
check scanner 2 700 /each
projector 1 1500 /each

Agency Contact Information

Agency Director / Administrator
Shawn Graham
PO Box 200139, Helena, MT 59620-0139
IT Contact (CIO / IT Manager)
John Noble
PO Box 200139, Helena, MT 59620-0139
Information Security Manager
John Noble
PO Box 200139, Helena, MT 59620-0139